FRAO stands for Foreign Residents Attention Office, it is a government office located in Rosarito City Hall (Ayuntamiento de Playas de Rosarito, B.C.) under the Direction of Vinculum and Linkage (Dirección de Vinculación y Enlace) that acts as a liaison between foreign residents and City Hall Departments. Its goal is to assist foreign residents with interpretation from English to Spanish and vice versa in the different City government offices and in some cases the State government offices (District Attorneys Office and DMV) to help them get their requests through and their petitions attended. In addition to assisting foreign residents with interpretation in the various departments it is also an office that works every day to engage foreign residents in the Rosarito society.
What is a FRAO Meeting?
A FRAO Meeting is a great avenue to get information to foreign residents about their rights and obligations in Mexico. We usually celebrate this meeting the third Thursday of each month in Room # 212 (Sala de Forjadores) on the second floor of Rosarito City Hall.
In these meetings we invite a government official or an expert in a particular topic to speak and share information that is relevant to the foreign community in Rosarito. Each meeting lasts around 1 hour; usually the guest speaker takes half an hour to give the presentation and then there is a Q&A section where anyone can ask a question by raising their hand.
The reason for these meetings is to inform the foreign community about important things they should take into account when living in Rosarito. We make an announcement on our Facebook page “Frao Rosarito”, in the “Rosarito Living” Facebook group, and we also make a Facebook invitation where you can confirm your attendance.
Should you have any suggestions on topics that can be discussed in a FRAO Meeting please let us know. We would love to hear you out.